Saturday, January 3, 2015

Welcome, Goat!

Happy New Year and let´s welcome the Goat! Because the horse year had given me plentyful kicks with the heels already!

Monday, November 24, 2014


Life has it soundtrack. Mine is composed of infinite songs. This definitely is one of them. Closing some chapters and starting new paragraphs. About time.

Hope next song will be a bit different. Nevertheless, special.

Friday, November 7, 2014


You know when you have those professional networks thinking that if you do as you´re told you´ll nail that job? I thought that too.
Anyways, I get happy when cool people ask me to connect. Even if they are not particularly in the same field of work as I am. I reckon the exchange of information is of extreme value.
So I get this invitation and I inocently added this person. I checked his profile: mmm, senior accountant of a bank in UK. Not too shabby. Then, some questions came through my mind and in my fantastic world (pretty much like Bobby´s):

 1. Can I see his complete profile? Oops... no. He didn´t fill it up.
 2. Does he follow any companies? Nah.
 3. Does he have any endorsements? Nein.
 4. Does he have many contacts? 207 (all Brazilians... I see a pattern here).
5. Does he like kinchi? Probably.
6. Why did he chose me? Because you´re special! <3 p="">7. Why only Brazilian people as connections? Maybe he likes one of our most known clichés, beats me! Pelé, samba, caipirinha, bleh!
8. Do we have any common connection? Niet.
9. How did he find me? Korean random lottery (that´s my assumption)
10. How do I say no in Korean???

I thought to myself, rest your head child. Tomorrow will be another day and maybe this lad will be like one of your Facebook contacts, you know... But no! He wrote me! He asked me urgently to answer to his e-mail. It must have been something of utter importance. IT WASN´T!

SERIOUSLY???  I mean, SERIOUSLY???? I may live in a Fantastic World but it ain´t a stupid one!

Than I thought about that Molejo song, Cilada*. How appropriate! (Without the love shite)  :)

*trap, ambush. In his case, a scam.

So, beware of the offer. I´ve done my share! Have a good day folks!

Monday, November 3, 2014

It´s only a day ... away!

Two years and not a  word. Or two. Well long story short...

 and that was  life for the past years...up to July, let´s be fair. But I got to say, I´m not as bad as the fella working for food!
 One can only be like Annie and hope for tomorrow. ;)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Will work for ... (note to self)

Those a dreadful times one might say... Recession. The doom and gloom.

Well, they might be right. Still, I refuse to give up.

Now, that I have moved up the ladder of education a bit, I feel that in some years that could be my future. Scary.
Source: Flickr/Rickz

I don't have a PhD yet. Have been considering a lot whether it is worth it or not to me at this point in life. I have been asking myself a LOT of questions, lately.

We have been spoiled. Mislead if you prefer. We were raised with the firm belief that we deserve everything and when we grow up we are going to have all we ever dreamed of plus more. We were not raised to fail. Fail is bad!

So, we grow up as people who can't deal with failures and have very high expectations of what life should be like.

Why are we so hard on ourselves?

Don't get me wrong. I believe that there is enough space under the sun for us all and we do have the chance to shine too. And be happy. Having said that, it's not going to happen in the first attempt. And that's when we give up.

Well, don't. I won't. I refuse to.

One day, I will feel just like the image below. And this day is coming sooner than I anticipate.  I wish you the same. :)
